Let’s change our perspective! Remember all those mornings your alarm went off and you wished for just 15 minutes more? Well now is the time for that 15 minutes. There are many questions, fears, insecurities and anxieties surrounding this time but there are also positives and the most important is that ‘we are all in this together’. We are all together in the overwhelming demands of having to work online, were most of us have never even heard of platforms such as Zoom and Google Hangouts, never mind doing a presentation on it. We all forget to press the ‘mute’ button, wondering why we can’t see the other person, we are all saying ‘can you hear me, can you hear me?’. Is it not just the best time to learn when mostly everybody is learning this?

"Let’s change our perspective! Remember all those mornings your alarm went off and you wished for just 15 minutes more? Well now is the time for that 15 minutes."Dr Liezel Anguelova

We all face different challenges. Some of us are stressed about our studies, about falling behind, about not understanding work, or purely just not knowing what and how to study, will I make it. Read More